US 101/De La Cruz Blvd/Trimble Rd Interchange Improvements

This project is a cooperative effort between the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, the City of San Jose, and Caltrans to modify the De La Cruz Boulevard interchange on US 101. The project improved traffic operations and enhanced safety for vehicles merging onto southbound US 101 from the De La Cruz Blvd/Trimble Rd interchange. The purpose was to reduce congestion, improve traffic operations, improve mobility and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, and replace the Trimble Road overcrossing to meet seismic and geometric standards and the City’s Complete Streets policies and guidelines. A wider structure to accommodate eight lanes, including exit lanes, was added, and installations of Class I and Class IV bikeways. A Class I bikeway was installed along the west side of De La Cruz Blvd from Seaboard Ave to Central Expressway. A Class IV bikeway was added from the Seaboard Ave/De La Cruz Blvd/Trimble Rd intersection to the existing Guadalupe River Trail.
PARIKH provided a Phase I ISA Preliminary Geotechnical Report and a Preliminary Geotechnical Memorandum for the bridge type selection during the PA/ED phase. During the PS&E phase, PARIKH prepared four Foundation Reports (three bridge structures and retaining walls) and a GDMR for roadway widening, overhead sign structures, and ramp modifications. PARIKH developed geotechnical recommendations for all project elements, including axial and lateral capacity for the planned steel driven piles, slope stability and settlement evaluation for new embankments, retaining wall designs, overhead sign structure and non-standard signal poles, pavement sections, and corrosion evaluation. All work was completed in accordance with Caltrans standards. The project received the Region 9 Outstanding Roadway & Highway Award from ASCE.

Project Details


2019 – 2023


VTA/City of San Jose/ Caltrans


HMH Engineers 


Gary Parikh
Frank Wang

Project Gallery